Fieldstone Colonial

Fieldstone Colonial
— Potomac, Maryland —
INSPIRED BY HISTORIC eighteenth-century country houses, this statuesque fieldstone house is surrounded by mature oaks in a Washington, D.C. suburb. Built as a family estate to be loved and handed down through the generations, the rustic fieldstone center block pleasantly contrasts with the elegantly detailed Ionic ordered doorway. Entering the broad reception hall, the view towards a loggia and gardens beyond unfolds through columns that frame the living room. The formality of the main house is underscored by its classical detailing, while the wings present a more casual, family-oriented sensibility. Inside/outside connections extend from the kitchen’s screened porch and the library’s sunroom to outdoor terraces on the garden side of the house.
- Dream Homes Greater Washington DC, 2008
- Chesapeake Home, February 2003
- A Decade of Art & Architecture 1992-2002, ICAA